Art is awesome, even when it doesn’t come out how you wanted it to
I’ve been writing— trying to write— for decades now, but art has been a much later addition to my skill portfolio, and it shows. I have confidence that I’ll get it eventually, but in the mean time, my drawing skills are often hit-or-miss.
You know what was awesome, though? One professional artist and two different colleagues (art teachers in a school I was working at) who did everything in their power to encourage me, even though I was terrified to try to make any art at all. I am SO grateful for their influence.
And I would like to pass that goodness on. I can’t look at all of your art and say: Wow! Cool! Way to go! Keep at it! But what I can do is post on this blog when I make something so bad and unintentionally funny that (hopefully) you will think: WOW but that’s bad. I’m pretty sure I could make something at least as good as that. Maybe I’ll try.
I’m not trying to say nobody ever needs to improve, but improvement doesn’t happen if you don’t start, so: please start! Art is awesome!