I maked a whale!
I spent as long as I could stand trying to learn my new 3-d modeling program, but finally yesterday I decided I might know enough to get something decent made, and lo and behold! A not-horrible whale model, made in under one hour!
Speaking of making, I make no apologies for the fact that I sometimes speak five-year-old when I’m excited about something I’ve made.
Ah. I should mention that, because Noah’s ark promises to take an extremely long time to design and also a long time for customers to build, I decided it would be best to try out making a Jonah and the whale set. A friend pointed out that a whale might not be easier to design than an ark— but then quickly acknowledged that a Noah’s ark has more pieces than Jonah and the whale.
Of course, just getting it made isn’t the end of the process; now I get to put it into the unfolding program, print up the pattern, and see how it folds up. And in fact at this moment I have an only-partly-cut-out pattern on my desk, waiting to be made up. So far it looks like a nightmare! There is much simplification to be done, and I don’t (as usual) know if my skillz are up to it. But there’s plenty of time to talk about that next week.